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Monday, May 24, 2010

Stop Damage Now! Buy TiltWatch® & TiltWatch® Plus from EPC today!

ShockWatch® Tilt indicators detect and record unacceptable tilting of goods that must remain upright. Removal of the adhesive backing activates the devices. Once applied to the shipping container, the product cannot be tipped without indisputable evidence of mishandling. TiltWatch® and TiltWatch® Plus are reliable and economical solutions to prevent damage to goods in transit.

TiltWatch: This indicator turns red if the product it is affixed to is tilted or completely upended-but remains unaffected by movement due to normal handling conditions and aircraft takeoffs.

TiltWatch Plus: This indicator provides 360 degree monitoring - indicating the exact angle of tilt or whether complete overturn occurs.

-Reduces product damage and losses incurred during transportation
-Provides simple, cost-effective prevention of tilting
-Provides indisputable evidence of tilting
-Acts as a visual deterrent to improper handling
-Affixes directly to goods or packaging for clear visibility
-Ensures chain of accountability for all product handlers
-Alerts recipients to inspect contents before acceptance
-Protects against/reduces warranty claims
-Ensures quality of product from dock to dock
-Increases customer satisfaction and provides a visible marketing edge

For a printable Tilt Indicators sell sheet with graphics visit:

And for any questions please contact our Customer Service Representatives at 585-482-5340