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Friday, May 14, 2010

A Message from Appleton Coated & Economy Paper Company.

"There's something undeniably unique about a printed piece. Timeless. Important. Engaging. Each page unmatched in its ability to communicate subtle shifts in color and emotion. In print, details beg to be touched, providing a tactile invitation to revisit the message again and again. Print is personal, portable, and now more than ever, responsible. "

"Print & Online: The Perfect Match"

"2x: Consumers receiving a printed catalog are twice as likely to buy online than those consumers who do not recieve a catalog.

67%: of online action is driven by offline messages.

86%: say shopping is easier when they have a printed catalog."

"Things change. Media evolves. Technologies improve. But the need to engage consumers remains the same. Having a clear, inegrated strategy that uses both print and online increases your success rate. The message is clear, print ignites online action."